Submit Design Problems to
When was the last time you received something of value for free? You can now submit your human-centric design challenges to a new website, If we select your project, the Santos Solutions team will provide you with a free demonstration showing a Santos technologies solution.
“Every month or so, our team dreams up human-centric design challenges to see if we can solve them using the capabilities currently in Santos Pro,” says Steve Beck, CEO of SantosHuman, Inc. “We do this to stress test our capabilities and look for ways of strengthening our abilities and skills. We’ve been doing this for many years, and now we’d like these design problems to come directly from you. Every month or so, we’ll review the submissions and provide a free demo of the most interesting one showing Santos Pro solving the issue.”
Some past design challenges for the Santos Solutions team have included:
- Evaluation of the safe space for an amusement park ride design
- Exploring predictive models in a Human-Machine Teaming context
- Reachable areas within a cockpit as influenced by a simulated restraint system
If you have a human-centric project you’d like us to consider using, go to, complete the simple form, and click SEND. If we select yours, we’ll provide you with a presentation showing a Santos solution. For free.