Entries by Steve Beck

Video Demo: Vision Trade-Off Analysis

The true value of Santos® predictive human models is the ability to provide the trade-off analysis your design teams can actually use at the earliest stages of product development. In this brief video demo, we show you how Santos® technologies can take the guesswork out of human-centric design through a contrived example focusing on seated […]

Blog Series: Failing to Optimize the Human-in-the-Loop at the Earliest Stages of Design is More Expensive than You Think – 3 of 3

For those who have just arrived, welcome. Post #1 can be found here and post #2 can be found here. For everyone else, thank you for following this series and for coming back for the third and final post. The opening statement in this series was that most design processes, whether intentional or not, effectively […]

Blog Series: Failing to Optimize the Human-in-the-Loop at the Earliest Stages of Design is More Expensive than You Think – 2 of 3

Welcome to the second post in this blog series which continues with two additional examples on how traditional approaches to product design negatively affect your company’s bottom line and market share. The first post, which can be found here, provided examples from the Consumer Products and the Medical Device industries.  This post focuses on examples […]

Blog Series: Failing to Optimize the Human-in-the-Loop at the Earliest Stages of Design is More Expensive than You Think – 1 of 3

Whether intentional or not, most design processes effectively prioritize product capability over usability. Starting today, this three-part blog series provides real-world examples that show how traditional approaches to design adversely affect your company’s confidence, budget, and competitive advantage. The series begins with real-world examples of all too common usability issues. While SantosHuman has worked with clients […]